



Interdisciplinary studies is for both new students and those entering college later 在有学分的生活中. It’s customizable, with concentrations that focus on essential work skills, including communication, critical thinking, leadership, teamwork and 文化能力.


  • 管理员
  • 社会服务工作者
  • 社区服务工作者
  • 专业发展专员
  • 非营利组织管理


Interdisciplinary Studies Offered Customized Path to Graduation


特伦斯。史密斯, who leads the Innovation Team for the City of Mobile, studied everything from accounting to sociology at the 十大彩票网投平台.

He embraced the spirit of higher education. He followed his imagination and interests. He found professors he liked and took all of their classes.

The only problem was making progress toward graduation. 似乎很遥远. 然后学习 that he could save time with a degree 在跨学科研究中.

“I jumped into that program,” Smith said, “and there you have it; I was a graduate of South.”

Two years later, Smith earned a master’s degree in instructional design and development. He began working for local nonprofit organizations, then for the city and became director of the I-Team, which works with government and community stakeholders to seek innovative 解决城市面临的挑战.


“ I jumped into that program, and there you have it; I was a graduate of South.”


Bloomberg CityLab named him one of seven “innovators to watch.他出现在节目中 cover of Mobile Bay Magazine’s “40 Under Forty” issue. 他被任命为领导 阿拉巴马州种族与平等委员会.

Smith grew up in Prichard, just north of Mobile, where his mother made sure he had 受教育机会. He became a student musician who got to perform with a middle school orchestra in New York City’s famous Carnegie Hall.

At South, he became flexible and creative, and, with the help of South’s faculty and staff, devised his own curriculum for interdisciplinary studies. 他没有时间 for many extracurricular activities because he worked full time.

他的一份工作是在一家宠物店. His tasks included carrying bags of dog hair from 从美容站到垃圾箱. 没有一个经理休息过 主动提出帮助他. 

“I vowed then that I would never do that when I became a leader,” Smith said. “To this day, with every team I’ve ever led, I’ve always made myself accessible, and never asked anyone to do anything I wouldn’t do myself.”


  • The University’s Office of Adult Learner Services recruits and supports adults who are starting college later in life or finishing an education that they suspended years before. Interdisciplinary studies is a common major for returning students because 灵活性.
  • The University makes several scholarships available specifically to students majoring 在跨学科研究中.
  • Students collaborate with an academic advisor to design a program of study in one of seven concentrations: administrative sciences, applied arts, applied sciences, community services, human services, liberal studies or professional development.



Dr. 佩奇Vitulli
(251) 380-2862
